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Quick Start


npm install mockpress

You can use this with CJS or ESM


import { mock, generate } from "mockpress";

const personSchema = {
id: mock.autoIncrement(),
index: (current, loopIndex) => `${loopIndex + 1} 번째 Object`,
name: mock.koreanName(),
introduce: (current, loopIndex) =>
`안녕하세요 제 이름은 ${} 입니다!`,
parents: {
mother: {
name: mock.koreanName("female"),
parentIntroduce: (current, loopIndex) =>
`저희 어머니 성함은 ${} 입니다!`,
profileImage: mock.image(200, 200),
age: mock.integer(10, 20),
address: mock.koreanAddress(),
hobby: {
id: mock.autoIncrement(),
cost:, 10000, 100),

const result = generate(personSchema, 2);
console.dir(result, { depth: null });
id: 1,
index: "1 번째 Object",
name: "주동준",
introduce: "안녕하세요 제 이름은 주동준 입니다!",
parents: { mother: { name: "문다윤" } },
parentIntroduce: "저희 어머니 성함은 문다윤 입니다!",
profileImage: "",
age: 18,
address: "은가람시 동구 바하대로 991",
hobby: { id: 1, cost: 1000 },
id: 2,
index: "2 번째 Object",
name: "양가빈",
introduce: "안녕하세요 제 이름은 양가빈 입니다!",
parents: { mother: { name: "지송현" } },
parentIntroduce: "저희 어머니 성함은 지송현 입니다!",
profileImage: "",
age: 14,
address: "은가람시 남구 가나로 126",
hobby: { id: 2, cost: 6700 },